By being a premium member, you will get the chance to receive around 30 inquiries monthly from our platform, and your law firm will get extra exposure.


Platinum Plan: $450/Month

  • 50% discount on your first month for $225 instead of $450
  • This plan is available for only 2 law firms in total.
  • You will receive around 30 leads each month.
  • The fee is a flat rate of $450; however, if the monthly number of leads falls below 25, you will be charged $18 per lead.
  • By choosing this plan, you can be assured that your monthly bill won’t exceed $450.
  • You can receive a full refund within 7 days if you’re not satisfied with the service.
  • The 50% discount on your first month does not apply to law firms that have already received a free trial from us.


Premium Membership Additional Features

In addition to receiving consultation inquiries from our platform, premium members can benefit from the following features:

  •  Your law firm will be listed on three different pages on our website.
  • Your law firm will be listed the first on one of our pages. But you should know  that all pages have the same introduction: Please note that the firms are displayed in a random order. This means that a firm listed at the bottom of this page is just as important as one listed at the top.


Payment Method

Payments can be made online only, is managed by so all invoices, will be issued by Oréroy. Only for the first 3 months, payments are made in advance. Starting the fourth month, payments are made by the end of every month.


No long-Term Commitment

The minimum subscription period is one month, and you are not obligated to remain subscribed after that period. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you can inform us to cancel your subscription. Please note that the same applies to our side; for some reasons we might decide to stop working with your law firm, and we will inform you about our decision before the end of the subscription period.


If you are interested in our premium membership, please send a WhatsApp message to : +96176784483 (No Calls)