Lawyers Dubai is managed by Oréroy (a leading digital advertising agency). We would be delighted to add your company to our website; furthermore, it is free of charge!

We need the following info to add you to our platform:

  1. Your Website
  2. To which email(s) you would like to receive inquiries from our website
  3. We may need to contact you if we have any questions, so please provide us with the name and WhatsApp number of someone from your firm. The WhatsApp number should be from UAE. Do not provide a number for anyone from your SEO agency; otherwise, your application will be rejected.

Please send a Whatsapp message to  +96176784483 (No Calls) with all the requested informations.


  • We will only reply to firms that sent us the 3 requirements mentioned above, so please do not just send “Hello”.
  • We usually reply within 1 hour, when contacted during our business hours. In rare cases it might take us 24 hours to reply.